This package adds advanced spline features in an all-in-one solution.The asset package 'GgCore' is required for this package to function. The GgCore package is free for owners of any Gaskellgames package.You must download and install ALL required packages BEFORE you load this package.GET GgCore for FREE with this package! (Required)Once this package is purchased be sure to use the same account that has the package license, to purchase GgCore for free.This package adds advanced spline features in an all-in-one solution. The package facilitates user friendly generation of catmull rom, B-spline and linear splines. The SplineFollower allows objects to follow a spline with constant speed. Auto-generate spline meshes with the SplineRenderer, create rail systems with the SplineJunction, or auto-place objects in your scene using the SplineInstantiate.The package has fully commented source code and API that can be easily expanded, including getting the closest point on a spline with the SplineProjector and Spline Extensions.Requirements:GgCore Package is required for this package to function. You can purchase GgCore for Free with any account that has previously purchased any Gaskellgames package.Features:Spline.SplineFollower.SplineRenderer.SplineInstantiate.SplineProjector.SplineJunction.Spline Extensions.Example scenes showing how to setup and use each component in context.Coding Level Requirement:None: You can simply add the spline componants and adjust everything in the inspector.Uploaded With Unity Version:2021.3.45fHelp / Support:Discord: All Things GaskellgamesPublisher: GaskellgamesWebsite: Contact Page