Stylized Foliage is a package of various plants, flowers and water plants prefabs.The stylized foliage package contains a great deal of foliage prefabs.There are 64 prefabs divided in three categories:34 flower prefabs that shares the same material.16 plant prefabs that shares the same material.14 water plant prefabs that shares the same material.Each category has its own material and texture atlas. They were made like this to focus on optimization.All prefabs uses the same shader behavior created using shader graph. The shader has a lot of features:Color and gradient CustomizationSS controlsWind BehaviorThe models have an average of:flower models: 500 trianglesplant models: 500 triangleswater plant models: 400 trianglesTextures Information:foliage_trim_sheet_01_basecolor: 2048px X 20248px. It is a color texture map (RBGA).foliage_trim_sheet_02_basecolor: 2048px X 20248px. It is a color texture map (RBGA).waterPlant_trim_sheet_basecolor: 2048px X 20248px. It is a color texture map (RBGA).Wind_Texture: 2048px X 20248px: It is a color texture map (RBG). It contains 64 unique prefab:34 flower prefabs that shares the same material.16 plant prefabs that shares the same material.14 water plant prefabs that shares the same material.All prefabs uses a custom shader created in shader graph.The models have an average of:flower models: 500 trianglesplant models: 500 triangleswater plant models: 400 trianglesTexture Information:foliage_trim_sheet_01_basecolor: 2048px X 20248px. It is a color texture map (RBGA).foliage_trim_sheet_02_basecolor: 2048px X 20248px. It is a color texture map (RBGA).waterPlant_trim_sheet_basecolor: 2048px X 20248px. It is a color texture map (RBGA).Wind_Texture: 2048px X 20248px: It is a color texture map (RBG).