Sky Master Weather, Lighting, Water & Space Bundle is a big ARTnGAME assets collection which gives access to the ARTnGAME atmosphere and water creation tools at a very big discount.All assets offcially support the Unity LTS versions cycle they have been uploaded to store with. Unity 6 new URP Render Graph pipeline is now supported in all systems and Beta versions (Video). Note that the new URP Render Graph pipeline is a totally new and different pipeline than the normal URP, so all effects had to be re-written from scratch for the new platform.Sky Master Weather, Lighting, Real Time Global Illumination, Water & Space Bundle is a massive ARTnGAME assets offer which gives access to the ARTnGAME atmosphere with advanced lighting, procedural planets and water creation tools at a very big discount. All assets fully support Unity 6 LTS.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------BIG OFFER - Limited Time!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sky Master Weather, Lighting, RTGI, Water & Space Bundle can be upgraded from Sky Master ULTIMATE or ORION for a big discount, at only $69 for a limited time.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------IMPORTANT: Users that own multiple ARTnGAME assets or assets other than Sky Master ULTIMATE may send a request here for custom discounts on the bundle!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Users of this Sky Master Bundle can upgrade to the complete Environment Building Bundle with a big discount for only $89!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------The bundle allows to upgrade to the below ARTnGAME assets for free* (a small amount of $0.01 is charged per asset in order to register each purchase for the support & Beta programs):Sky Master ULTIMATE: Volumetric Skies & WeatherSky Master ULTIMATE 2021: Volumetric Skies & WeatherORION Space Scene Generation FrameworkLUMINA GI URP 2021: Real-Time Voxel Global IlluminationLUMINA GI URP 2024: Real-Time Voxel Global IlluminationLUMINA GI HDRP: Real-Time Voxel Global IlluminationOceanis URP 2021 Pro Water FrameworkOceanis URP 2024 Pro Water FrameworkInfiniRIVER - Fluid based water simulatorEthereal URP 2021 - Volumetric Lighting & FogEthereal URP 2024 - Volumetric Lighting & FogInfiniCLOUD HDRP - URP - Volumetric clouds & particlesGlobal Illumination ProxySun Shafts SRPVolumetric Fog SRPIKARUS Game View ControllerParticle StabilizerMystery Rings Icons packBundle price: $199Save 60% purchasing this bundle. Normal price of the assets is ~$500Please visit each individual asset page for details on the systems, supported pipelines and purchase of the assets at the discounted price, after own the bundle.(*) can optionally opt out of the small fee and enable the upgrade to the 20 included assets for $0.00 instead of $0.01, let me know in ARTnGAME E-mail or Discord Channel for this if needed.Owners of the bundle get access to the following Beta version after send the purchase invoice in email or personal message in Discord:(requires Bundle and Sky Master ULTIMATE to have been downloaded and purchase invoices, not need install)Sky Master ULTIMATE URP BetaSky Master ULTIMATE HDRP BetaAlso when the above Beta assets are released to the store, will be upgradable from the bundle as lower priced bonus.Sky Master ULTIMATE and Sky Master ULTIMATE 2021 store assets are for the Standard Pipeline (BiRP). To access the Sky Master ULTIMATE URP - HDPR and InfiniGRASS URP - HDRP Beta projects, please provide the purchase invoices or order numbers in ARTnGAME E-mail or in a Personal Message in ARTnGAME Discord Channel. To enter the Betas must have also downloaded the Bundle asset, not need to install it, only download once. Oceanis Standard Pipeline Beta v0.3f1 is also available.The URP - HDRP Beta assets are separate projects and standalone, so if need the URP or HDRP versions should not install the Standard Pipeline versions, or remove them completly if already installed before installing the URP - HDRP packages.Currently Sky Master ULTIMATE UPR Beta 25 for Unity 2021.3, URP Beta 26 for Unity 2022.3, URP Beta 27 for Unity 6 LTS and HDRP Beta 16 are available to all Sky Master ULTIMATE 2021 (Standard Pipeline system) users for download in Google Drive (December 2024 releases).Easy access for upgrading to the bundle ARTnGAME assetsUnity Versions Supported:Supports Unity 2021.3 - 2022.3 LTS and the Unity 2022 LTS release cycle. Also supports all other Unity versions the assets have been uploaded with. Check on the individual asset pages for more information. Unity 6 LTS is also fully supported for all assets and Betas.Need help or want to know more?ARTnGAME Discord ChannelARTnGAME E-mailARTnGAME Unity forumAbout ARTnGAME:ARTnGAME mission is to allow game developers to create imaginative and optimized environments and worlds. Our products are feature complete with massive artistic options and fully supported. ARTnGAME has been constantly developing and supporting assets for the Unity Asset Store for more than 10 years.Upgrade Policy:All products are supported in the cycle of the version they have been submitted with in the store, e.g. an asset submitted with Unity 2021.3 LTS will support the 2021.3 LTS cycle, but is not guaranteed to support Beta or non LTS Unity versions.Some of our products may require a minor upgrade price as are developed for newer Unity versions and/or gain extra features. Users are not obliged to upgrade to newer versions of our products and your products will continue to work on the Unity release they were developed for.Sky Master Weather, Lighting, RTGI, Water & Space BundleFeatures cover by the bundle assets:- Atmosphere and weather effects creation suit- Water systems for River and Ocean generation- Biomes control of weather and atmospheric effects- Space scene and planets generation- Advanced Lighting with multiple methods for Global Illumination and volumetric atmosphere and lighting- Cartoon and stylized rendering suit- Artistic freedom to create environment effects with massive customizability.- Ultimate variety with multiple systems and ways to cover each need, that range from mobile to the most cutting edge technologies in cloud, lighting and volumetric rendering.- Full user support through the Unity forums or ARTnGAME Discord channel and email.ARTnGAME DEMOS:Demos of latest ARTnGAME asset work. Sky Master ULTIMATE URP PLANET DEMOShttps://drive.google.com/file/d/10hULnOlq2XQYFfBtkhhuax353Fduiule/view?usp=sharingSky Master ULTIMATE BiRP - PREFAB 6 DEMOhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1sUo8pEEeNKCFAz55sIogJiJbCiCTr07H/view?usp=sharingLUMINA GI URP RTGI FORWARD PLUS with Motion Blur (Includes Sky Master ULTIMATE new Ethereal 2022 Volumetric Lights)(Forward+ mode, Unity 6 URP RenderGraph)https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FYxZsxh4eTNcEHz2rBoMOEYbQzjiso-Y/view?usp=sharingLUMINA GI URP RTGI FORWARD PLUS PAINTERLY with Painterly FX (Includes Sky Master ULTIMATE new Ethereal 2022 Volumetric Lights and GLAMOR Image Effects Framework)(Forward+ mode, Unity 6 URP RenderGraph)https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZlgTDAgI2fcTXkXpNv4H2CCnFCpk5HA9/view?usp=sharing