This package lets large groups of game objects follow a Spline while interacting with Unity's physics engine, supporting collisions, and providing customizable movement with a built-in PID controller.Swarm Move With Splines allows you to make a swarm or large group ofgame objects move along a spline. Spline Animate is the Unity providedsolution for this but it does not allow for interaction with the physics engineand it forces game objects to be positioned exactly along the spline.What if you want something a little more flexible? Maybe you want 100chickens or birds or fish or soldiers following a predetermined spline pathand you want them all to collide with each other. This is the problem Iencountered before developing this asset and it is the problem this assetsolves!Swarm Move With Splines allows for single traversal, looping traversaland boomerang traversal all while allowing the physics engine to handle collisionsand all the regular physics goodies through the usual rigidbody andcollider components. It also provides a built-in PID controller that allowsyou to precisely tune the behaviour of your game objects.If you’ve been frustrated at Spline Animate, I hope this asset packagehelps solve your frustrations!This package contains a single script that has all the logic you will need to control your game object's travesal along a Unity Spline. The "stickiness" to the path is regulated by a PID controller that you must tune yourself. Be sure to read the Tuning section of the manual provided with the package for a more indepth look at how to tune the PID controller. A sample scene is also provided that highlights different ways to use the script.