Transform 2D - Position, Size, Width/Height, Pixels, Align, Distribute, Spacing
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A powerful tool for positioning and sizing game objects in 2D Unity scenes.🔥 Position objects intuitively using bounds - origin, corners, and center points.🔥 Directly edit object width/height instead of having to calculate scale.🔥 Manage multiple objects at once - position, alignment, and spacing.🔥 Switch seamlessly between world/pixel units and local/global space.Full feature list:✊ Simple positioningPosition game object using bounds origin, corners, and center points without having to change sprite pivots or collider offsets.✊ Simple sizingEdit actual width/height values of game objects, scale will be calculated accordingly. Stop having to guess scale values!Use sprite renderer or collider bounds.Camera bounds support - Get values, Align/Distribute tools.✊ Use local or global spaceSingle click to toggle between values in local or global space.✊ Seamlessly work with pixelsSingle click to toggle between values in pixels or world units.Set a global PPU for your project.Snap game objects to pixels when dragging them in scene view.Work perfectly with PixelPerfectCamera, just match the global PPUs.✊ Use math operations for even more controlAdjust pixels/units precisely with basic operations in input fields (+, -, *, /, (), ^).✊ At a glance info and quick actionsOpen Sprite Editor / Find Sprite Asset quick action buttons.Sprite asset quick info - Sprite Pivot / Sprite PPU.Warn with quick fix of sprite PPU mismatches.Warn with quick fix of sprite pivots not rounded for pixel perfection.-------------👪 Work with multiple game objects!✊ Position and move as a groupUse multiple game objects combined-bounds corners, and center points.Supports world/pixel units, math operations.✊ Align, distribute and set spacingAlign, distribute and set spacing using game object origins, or bounds.Easily align game objects to Camera bounds!Set spacing between objects to exact values, in world units or pixels.✊ Super easily copy-paste between game objectsPositions of origin, corners or center points.Sizes (width and height).-------------💪 Designed with performance, stability and compatibility in mind!Has a very small foot print on project size.Works in design time, no worries about affecting runtime performance.Works as an independent external tool panel, can be removed at any time.Does not override the Transform component inspector, allowing for minimum intrusion to standard work flows and maximum compatibility with other asset store packages.🤔 Improvements under consideration …Adding scale and rotation editingSupport for UGUI/Canvas elementsSupport for prefab asset definition editingDesign time visual gizmos… Please leave comments and ideas, we would love to hear your opinion!Need help or have any questions? Contact