10 relaxing orchestral fantasy soundtracksHi!I'm Donát Baracsi, a music composer from Hungary.Music is a really big part of a game's soul, it can easily ruin even a triple A game, and can be a huge help to an indie game to achieve great heights ... I'd love to help you reach that height! : )This music pack contains 10 relaxing orchestral fantasy soundtracks, I hope you'll love it!Preview:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKt-p8DDcZg&ab_channel=Don%C3%A1tBaracsiYoutube safe. This music is licensed for no copyright and no attribution, so your videos can be monetized on Youtube.Feel free to use these tracks in your projects, but if you do, please credit me by my name or Youtube channel.Send me a message, if you've got any questions!zensermusic@gmail.comNumber of Audio Wavs: 10Sample rate / bit rate: 44,100 Hz, 16bitDoes music loop: Most of them yesMinutes of audio provided: 21Supported Development Platforms: AllStereo