If you need your hexagon tiles to be placed perfectly, this free tiny tool will automatically snap the object to the closest grid center. No complexity, just a tiny tool to be used immediately.This asset is rendering pipeline independent. The example scene is created in the built-in pipeline though, so if you are using different than built-in, please change the material of objects in the scene to see better.This tiny script can help you place the hexagon tiles into perfect positions if you are going to craft a level or world with hexagon tiles manually. With the tool enabled, when you change the positions of objects in Unity editor, the object automatically snaps to the closest hex grid center. You can also adjust the grid size, number of grids, and the helper grid line color to best fit your needs.Maybe not performant if the number of grid tiles is too large, but in common cases it should be great. 100*100 tiles work without any problem.This tool is meant to be used in the editor only, and it won't store any kind of data of the grid tile map. The only thing it does is to snap the object to the closest grid center.AI was used to help create part of the script.