Do you have a Scrollview (Scroll Rect Component) where you display items to your player and would you like to be able to "filter" and "sort" these items? Heres the solution!In a game UI, having a ScrollView is very useful, whether to show a list of players, leaderboards, or even items. If you use this type of component (you probably do) you may have already had the need to filter or order these items programmatically.Here I bring a simple to implement solution. Basically you will add a script to the items that go into the "Content" of the "Scroll Rect" Component with the variables you want to use as filters and another Script to the "Scroll Rect" Component that will be the "engine" that will do the work to filter and sort items inside the ScrollView.Demo: https://gamestrike.com.br/ScrollviewFilter/License attribution: Filter icons created by Freepik - FlaticonYou can create as many variables as you want to use as a filter or sort.Variables can be of Boolean, String, Int or Float types.The variables you create once and linked to the items, based on Scriptable Object.Demo scene with all the scripts and functions you need.Expandable to your needs.Easy to understand and easy to use.Playmaker Actions.