An all-in-one tool for creating an immersive and cinematic camera
animation.Easily create paths for camera animation including viewpoint positioning and rotation.Visualize the camera animation path at editor time and runtime.Directly alter the camera animation path at editor time by simply moving viewpoints around in space.Subscribe to events to trigger your own logic when camera viewpoints are arrived at.Add audio clips to each camera transition.Fully customize camera transition time and pause time at each viewpoint.Runtime scripting manipulation of camera paths.Fully documented with instructions and examples for all functionality.Check my discord for support.Assets in the demo video are not included.Editor time visual path creation for camera animation.Editor time and runtime visualization of camera paths.Runtime visual playthrough of camera paths.Easy camera viewpoint manipulation to alter position and rotation of the camera along its animation path.Includes the ability to add spirals of viewpoints simulating a 360 degree rotation along a path for interesting visuals.Includes keyboard shortcuts for fast iteration.Includes an event that is triggered when camera viewpoints are arrived at.Provides the abiliity to add audio clips for the transition between each camera viewpoint.Runtime scripting manipulation of camera paths.Fully customize the camera transition and pause time at each viewpoint.Documentation that covers all functionality.