Make a settings menu for your game with just a click and a drag of a button.Input System: BothUI Systems: Only UI TooltkitRender Pipline: HDRP, URPThat's a customizable, one click to setup settings menu package.Compatibility:- Input System: Both old and new input systems are supported.- UI Systems: Only supports UI Toolkit.- Render Pipeline: Compatible with both HDRP and URP.Customization:We understand your concerns about customizability, so we provide a set of presets along with full color customization options. We are also considering implementing a basic stylesheet feature in the future. If you are experienced with Unity's stylesheet format, you can already create your own stylesheets.Resume Menu:We offer a preset resume menu that includes Resume, Settings, and Quit buttons. However, these are fully customizable. You can add your own elements by simply interacting with the editor.Settings Menu:Tabs, variables, variable types, and options—all of these are customizable through the editor interface, without the need for any coding. Only the callbacks require you to write code.