Neon Underground includes over 200 combinable modular prefabs including new assets for your Neon City environments with tunnels, halls, inverted buildings, metro stations, metro tunnels, etc.This asset is compatible with Built In (by default) URP & HDRP.For URP or HDRP (2022.3+) import the required unitypackage (once the asset is imported) wich can be downloaded from the [ASSET INFO] link in the description.Tutorial and relevant tips for pipeline import HEREQUICK START:Go to "Technical Details" in asset description to know more about pipeline import process[ASSET INFO] [Website] [Support][ASSET FEATURES]Over 200 prefabs for Neon CityLarge demoscene includedModular corridors and tunnelsModular combinable hallsPremade modular roomsFunctional metro systemModular metro vehiclesAdditional metro decorationGraffiti libraryWorks all pipelinesIMPORTANT NOTE: This asset REQUIRES [SciFi Neon City] imported in the project. As an expansion pack works only over the original asset.[NEON ASSETS COLLECTION][NEON CITY] Cyberpunk city builder pack with over 800 modular prefabs.[NEON BUILDINGS] Set of premium buildings and prefabs for Neon City.[NEON HIGH CITY] Expansion kit for Neon City with over 300 new prefabs.[NEON ADS PROPS] Props kit with over 1000 high quality 3D ads.[NEON 2D PORTRAITS] Set of over 700 high quality cyperpunk portratis.[NEON 2D LOCATIONS] Set of over 1000 quality cyberpunk backgrounds.[SCI FI ASSETS COLLECTION][OUTER WORLDS][PLATFORM CITY][SPACE COLONY][SPACE BASE][SPACE STATION HEAVY][ALIEN TERRAIN]Check out [ASSET INFO] link above for extended info & downloads.* Check Technical details for a quick start guide.** Demo video and images uses Shiny SSR from Kronnect and Heigh fog from Boxophobic.START USING NEON UNDERGROUND:Neon Underground requires Neon City so first download and import Neon City asset from your package manager.In case you're using URP or HDRP download and import additive package for Neon City.In case of any issue with shaders try download and import last ASE Shaders version.PIPELINES USING NEON UNDERGROUND:For Builtin install dependencies. If required search for "Post Processing" in the package manager / Unity RegistryFor HDRP and URPDownload and install package from Package manager (builtin)Ignore dependencies at import(optional) Remove "Demoscene" folder (keep the project cleaner)Import additive package (available at Resoruces section of asset info)Tutorial step by step hereURP and HDRP packages are crafted with Unity 2022.3For URP demoscene to display water correctly you need to activate Opaque Texture option in render pipeline:Go to Edit / Player SettingsSearch in Graphics tab for "Scriptable Render Pipeline Settings"Select the pipeline assetIn the inspector check the "Opaque Texture" optionUNDERGROUND PREFAB LIST:Premade / Underground (96)Corridor (20)Corridor Low (11)Entrance (4)Halls (28)Inverted Building (6)Stairs (9)Subway Hall (11)Subway Tunnels (7)Deco / Building Deco (12)Tech (12)Deco / Street Deco (39)Graffiti (39)Deco / Underground (61)Metro Parts (17)Metro Vehicles (4)Railway (6)Signs (34)Active (1)Tech (1)