Create smooth, customizable path lines with Bézier curves using Easy Guide Line. Supports color transitions, mesh patching, optimized performance, and a user-friendly interfaceOVERVIEW• Easy to Use• High Performance• Fully Customizable• Smooth Bézier Curve PathingMODES• Prefab-Based: GameObject-prefab paths with customizable combinations• Mesh-Based: Plane mesh for a seamless looping path with an imageFEATURES• Optimized Mesh Combination: Merges meshes into one GameObject for better resource management• Dynamic Color Transition: Customizable color transitions along the line• Flexible Pathing: Supports height variations, long curves, and transparency adjustmentsHIGHLY CUSTOMIZABLE• Line Width and Shape: Defaults to arrows, with more options• Mesh Subdivision Level (Mesh Mode)• Item Spacing and Quantity (Prefab Mode)• Selectable Line Type: Choose between Mesh or PrefabsPERFORMANCE• Auto-Merge: Combines prefabs into one mesh to reduce draw calls and boost performance• Single Material Optimization: Combines all materials into one for smoother performance• Subdivision Control: Mesh Mode uses subdivisions to balance quality and performanceORGANIZED INTERFACEA clean, organized window consolidates all controls, making customization straightforward and efficient.DEPENDENCIES• Shadergraph• Unity Splines