Endless Looping Backgrounds for 2D games. Make an endless scene easily!VISU - 2D Looping BackgroundsMake your backgrounds and foregrounds loop endlessly!Whether you are building an endless runner game, or perhaps looping the far landscape in your scene, this asset is for you and it can save you several hours if not days of work.It's very simple to set up, no coding required. Assign your backgrounds to the Looping Manager and you are good to go.Features:Loop horizontally, vertically or both!Create variants of the backgrounds so that your scene changes dynamicallyWorks with Colliders2DWorks with Rigidbody2D movementBONUS: Comes with Camera Follow script (but you can also use your own)BONUS 2: Demo Scene + Backgrounds + a little player fellaInstallation:Purchase the Solution from the Asset Store.Attach the Looping Backgrounds script to an empty objectAssign your Player, Camera and fine-tune the settings to your likingPlace the objects in your scene.Assign the objects as Looping Layers in the Looping ManagerThat's it! Enjoy your endless looping scene!Need more help?See DocumentationAbout VISU 2D Solutions:Explore our releases:VISU 2D Camera Follow (Free)VISU 2D Parallax SolutionComponentsScriptsVisuLoopingScript.csCameraFollow.csPlayerScript.csEditor ScriptsVisuLoopingEditor.csCameraFollowEditor.csPrefabsSceneryPlayerScenesVISU - Looping Backgrounds Demo SceneFeaturesLoop any object in a sceneVertical, Horizontal or BothToggle Variants on/off (to create different objects each loop)OtherWorks with Colliders2DWorks with Rigidbody2DSupport - I'm here to help you!