This package contains gastronomic chairs, tables, tablecloths and parasols.
Perfect to bring more detail in your city scenes. In total 72 Prefabs.This package contains gastronomic chairs, tables, tablecloths and parasols. Perfect to bring more detail in your city scenes. Includes:-2 different chairs (each of them with 3 different color texture-sets and a clean and dirty version)-3 different tables (each of them with 3 different color texture-sets and a clean and dirty version)-3 different tablecloths (each of them with 3 different color texture-sets and a clean and dirty version)-4 different parasols (each of them with 3 different color texture-sets and a clean and dirty version)In total 72 Prefabs.Textures-sizes: 4096x4096Textures include: Albedo, Normal, Maskmap (AO, Metallic, Smoothness)Supports BuiltIn-, URP- and HDRP-RenderpipelineTextures-sizes: 4096x4096Textures include: Albedo, Normal, Maskmap (AO, Metallic, Smoothness)Supports BuiltIn-, URP- and HDRP-Renderpipeline