This package includes highly-optimized poplar, spruce, fir, and pine trees that can be used to set a nice-looking forest environment.This package includes highly-optimized poplar, spruce, fir, and pine trees that can be used to set a nice-looking forest environment. All the trees have been set up with billboards and LOD Groups, and the main tree meshes are set up to just use 1 material.The trees have a custom shader to allow for translucency and wind simulation, as well as leaf turbulence. However, the textures have also been set up to allow compatibility with the basic PBR materials for each render pipeline.The trees within the pack are very highly optimized, with the tri count varying from 3800 tris for the biggest poplar trees, down to 400 tris for the smallest fir trees.Asset List:Trees4 types of trees, 19 overallFirNumber of Models: 4Average Triangles: 450-1100 trianglesLODs: 2PineNumber of Models: 5Average Triangles: 400-1100 trianglesLODs: 2PoplarNumber of Models: 6Average Triangles: 850-3800 trianglesLODs: 2SpruceNumber of Models: 4Average Triangles: 1000-2500 trianglesLODs: 2All trees use one ‘tree’ material-composed of 3 textures. The material uses a custom shader.All trees have a separate LOD1 billboard model (composed of 12-16 tris), and each have their own separate material.BushesNumber of Models: 5Average Triangles: 500-200 trianglesLODs: 1Bushes use the same material as the trees.RocksNumber of Models: 10Average Triangles: 150-250 trianglesLODs: 1All of the rocks use one ‘rock’ material that makes use of three textures.DetailsThere are several types of ground cover available to be painted as details on terrain.GrassNumber of Models: 1Average Triangles: 12 trianglesGround PlantNumber of Models: 3Average Triangles: 75-40 trianglesPebbleNumber of Models: 3Average Triangles: 15-25 trianglesSmall PlantNumber of Models: 3Average Triangles: 200-500 trianglesPebbles use the ‘rock’ material-same as rocks.All other detail models use one ‘detail’ material that is composed of three textures. The material makes use of a custom shader.WaterThe water uses a water plane model composed of 1152 triangles. The water uses a material composed of three textures. The water material uses a custom shader.ShadersTree ShaderOne unified shader for both bark and leaves to reduce draw callsUses three texturesAlbedoNormalmapMetallic/Translucency/Ambient Occlusion/SmoothnessThe textures for this slot are set up in a way where it is still compatible with Unity’s default material-it can be used within the ‘MetallicSmoothness’ texture slot.Supports translucencyHas a complex wind simulation that includes two separate wind calculations-a main wind simulation and a smaller turbulence simulation.Detail ShaderA shader set up for usage for all models intended to be used with the terrain detail systemUses three texturesAlbedoNormalmapMetallic/Translucency/Ambient Occlusion/SmoothnessThe textures for this slot are set up in a way where it is still compatible with Unity’s default material-it can be used within the ‘MetallicSmoothness’ texture slot.Has the same wind simulation set up as the tree shaderHas a ‘DetailDistance’ value that can be used to fade the material after a set distance to make it work with the terrain’s detail patch systemWater ShaderSupports waves via vertex displacementSupports foam on edges where water collides with landSupports refractionExtrasA collider model is included for the demo scene to prevent players from walking into the lake. The model is made up of 85 triangles.Two leaf textures are included for usage with particle systems. One of these already has a particle material set up for the demo scene, along with a prefab within the scene folder.Contains a audio track for forest ambience, including slight wind and nature sounds [birds chirping,etc.]Pack is compatible with Built-In, URP, and HDRP for Unity 2021 and onward. Pack includes custom shaders that include translucency and wind simulation. The shaders are made with Amplify Shader Editor and Shader Graph, allowing for easy editing and modification.