Boost the workflows and productivity for the whole team with this collection of carefully-crafted Editor tools.The All Editor Tools – Bundle includes all our Editor tools, at 25% off.As of now, this bundle contains:BlackBox for Prefabs: a revolutionary and more safe Prefab workflow! BlackBox enables the coveted workflow of Prefab encapsulation, and much more! (page)Scene Notes: save annotations to the scene to enhance team's productivity. A lightweight project management tool.Scene Notes for Codecks: the Codecks version of Scene Notes. Backup your notes on the server, and edit/assign them from the comfort of a fantastic web UI.SubAssets Toolbox: unlock the potential of sub-assets, using natural drag and drop editor actions. No coding required!ScriptableObject Tools: a framework to harness the power of ScriptableObjects to solve cross-scene communication.(New!) Hats: enables Workspaces in the Editor, so you can change Unity's appearance and behaviour as you move between different tasks.... and any future Editor tools we will make!*The total value of all tools included is $170, so you save $45 by getting them as part of this bundle.(*) Pricing of the bundle will increase, but by getting it now you get the new tool(s) for free.DocumentationAll assets come with extensive documentation. Curious? Head to the main page and read all about them before buying.The bundle includes all the listed assets, and future updates. Once you purchase it, you'll be able to visit the individual assets and redeem them for free.Read the individual asset's requirement for Editor versions.