It is an advanced character control made for parkour games. In addition to many parkour moves, there is a grappling hook and swing system.FP Parkour Kit And Grappling Hook System 1. OverviewPackage Name: FP Parkour Kit And Grappling Hook SystemDescription: This package provides a first-person character control system tailored for FPS and parkour games. Users have access to basic walking and running movements, as well as advanced parkour features such as sliding, wall-running, and swinging with a grappling hook.Main Features:Walking and RunningSlidingJumpingCrouchingWall RunningWall ClimbingLedge ClimbingSwinging with Grapple HookGrapple Hook Launch2. Installation InstructionsRequired Unity Version: Unity 2022.3.49f1Requirements:DOTween: This package depends on the DOTween library.Installation: Open Window > Package Manager in Unity. In the search bar, type "DOTween" to locate the package, then download and install it.Grid Master Asset: This is required for some of the materials and prefabs used in the parkour setups.Installation: Go to the Unity Asset Store, search for "Grid Master" and download it. Then, add it to your project from Package Manager > My Assets.3. Package Content and StructureFolders:Scripts: Contains all scripts for controlling the character. Users can customize character movement by adjusting components in these scripts.Images: Contains crosshair textures used in the package.Materials: All materials used within the parkour environments are organized in this folder.Models: Contains prefabs used for building parkour setups and the Grid Master asset.Prefabs: Important prefabs, such as Player and PredictionPoint, are stored here.Scenes: Contains two scenes named DemoParkour and FreeParkour.Textures: Stores textures applied to the parkour prefabs.TextMeshPro: All TextMeshPro components are located in this folder.4. Features and Usage InstructionsMovement Controls:Walking/Running: Use WASD keys to walk; hold Shift to run.Crouching: Press C to crouch.Sliding: While running, press Ctrl to slide.Wall Running: Jump toward a wall while running to start wall-running. Use Shift to climb higher or Ctrl to go lower.Grapple Hook Usage:Swinging: Hold Mouse Left Click to swing at a grapple point. You can adjust the swing distance in the Grappling script’s Grapple Distance parameter.Launching: Use Mouse Right Click to launch towards a grappled object.5. Example Scenarios and Demo ScenesThe package includes two example scenes:DemoParkour: This scene includes text instructions guiding players through the controls, along with a full parkour course designed to teach basic movement mechanics.FreeParkour: A playground-style scene where players can freely practice their parkour skills.Both scenes can be accessed from the Scenes folder.6. Common Issues and SolutionsCharacter Not Moving: Ensure all components are properly assigned. Make sure that DOTween and Grid Master dependencies are correctly installed.Grapple Hook Not Working: Check that the Grapple Distance parameter in the Grappling script is set correctly and that Mouse buttons are properly mapped. Also, make sure that all components in the Grappling, GrapplingRope, and LedgeGrabbing scripts are properly assigned and configured.7. Contact and Support InformationFor support, contact: yasarka82@gmail.com