Interaction System for First Person mode, ready and easy to use, will save you a lot of time, easy integration. Make your own items.Interaction System is a must in any game if you want to provide a more immersive experience.This system is designed to be easy and quick to implement and to also be easy to understand how it works so that you can create your own items appropriate to your specific needs. Easy integration.Support or questions saturnosystems@gmail.comThis system includes:Player Interaction ScriptBasic Player ControllerInteraction with items that can be picked up, collected, accumulated,inspectionated, transported/dropped/placed in a specific location.Interaction with elements of the stage such as doors of different types, switches, valves.Interaction with elements such as turning on/off the TV or opening a drawer.Example of Game Manager and Inventory.UI example implementation.Bonus a door made with physics.All of the above mentioned comes with an example in the scene.