☀Small Farm Pack☀☀🏵️ Farm Pack: Farmers and Farm House🏵️☀☀✿Farmers: Girl and Boy✿☀☆Features☆Lowpoly characters Girl an BoyThe Characters have 4 different coloring option(and more variations)Humonoid rigToon ShaderTechnical details✧Textures✧BaseColorNumber of textures - 16Texture Resolution - 2048x2048PNG▲Polycount▲Farmer GirlWork Clothes⭑Verts 22096⭑Faces 20737⭑Tris 41192Casual Clothes⭑Verts 20214⭑Faces 18905⭑Tris 37550Farmer BoyWork Clothes⭑Verts 19816⭑Faces 19129⭑Tris 37988Casual Clothes⭑Verts 18504⭑Faces 17895⭑Tris 35532Rigging: YesAnimations are not included for ChacartersThe Characters don't have a LOD system☀Stylized Farm House☀☆Features☆❖Cozy Farm House❖Animations(Doors, Drawers)❖Scripts❖Particle Systems (Smoke, Fire)❖Toon Shader❖Simple Environment(Trees, Grass, Flowers, Sky)❖Simple Player(can move around, look around, interact with objects)Technical details✧Textures✧BaseColorNumber of textures - 94Texture Resolution - 256x256, 512x512, 1024x1024, 2048x2048, 4096x4096PNG▲Polycount▲Farm House⭑Verts ~ 411732⭑Faces ~ 310 273⭑Tris ~ 620546Minimum polygon count - Verts 8 , Tris 6Maximum polygon count - Verts 25770 , Tris 34177⋆ 121 Prefabs⋆Animations are includedThe Package don't have a LOD system☀✿Farmers: Girl and Boy✿☀✧Textures✧BaseColorNumber of textures - 16Texture Resolution - 2048x2048PNG▲Polycount▲Farmer GirlWork Clothes⭑Verts 22096⭑Faces 20737⭑Tris 41192Casual Clothes⭑Verts 20214⭑Faces 18905⭑Tris 37550Farmer BoyWork Clothes⭑Verts 19816⭑Faces 19129⭑Tris 37988Casual Clothes⭑Verts 18504⭑Faces 17895⭑Tris 35532Rigging: YesAnimations are not included for CharactersThe Characters don't have a LOD system☀Stylized Farm House☀✧Textures✧BaseColorNumber of textures - 94Texture Resolution - 256x256, 512x512, 1024x1024, 2048x2048, 4096x4096PNG▲Polycount▲Farm House⭑Verts ~ 411732⭑Faces ~ 310 273⭑Tris ~ 620546Minimum polygon count - Verts 8 , Tris 6Maximum polygon count - Verts 25770 , Tris 34177⋆ 121 Prefabs⋆Animations are includedThe Package don't have a LOD system