This tool automatically sets kerning pairs in Unity's Japanese TMP_Font Asset file.
Enables beautiful typography when using Japanese fonts.
Already compatible with TextMeshPro 3.2.0 in Unity 6.Website | How To UseThis tool automatically sets kerning pairs in Unity's Japanese TMP_Font Asset file. The kerning value is determined by analyzing the atlas texture, so, in principle, appropriate kerning can be set for all fonts.Just use the processed font in the TMP component. You can compose beautifully Japanese typeset text that would never be possible with changes to Spacing Options (em).There is a simple panel-operated version and an advanced GUI-operated version (both are included in this package).Panel-operated version :Open the AutoKerner panel from the [Tools] menu.Select the Japanese TMP_Font Asset in the project from the list and set the standard kerning pairs. Kerning pairs are set for hiragana, katakana, punctuation, parentheses, and some symbol combinations.Option for ultra-fine typefaces. Enable for ultra-fine typefaces when the kerning is too strong.Option to adjust symbol width. Adjust the width of symbols by trimming excess space. Note: Trimming overwrites the original width information and cannot be undone.Remove all kerning pairs. Removes all kerning pairs from the selected font assets.GUI version :Edit character list for kerning settings. Kanji characters and other characters can be added as targets for kerning pair settings.Detailed settings for kerning strength. Select kerning value calculation settings from multiple presets, such as for medium and bold fonts.Option to reduce asset size bloat. Option to not set kerning pairs if the calculated kerning value is small.Confirmation of the result with sample text. Before writing a kerning pair to a font asset, you can use sample text to compare the difference between before and after processing and kerning on/off.Duplicate font assets. Create a duplicate font asset with kerning without writing kerning pairs to the original font asset data.Required:Japanese font data is not included. Please prepare Japanese TMP_Font Asset. (Japanese TMP_Font Asset for DEMO is included)Analyzes atlas textures and calculates kerning values.By setting the font asset kerned with this tool in the TMP component, you can create properly kerned Japanese text.The package includes a simplified panel operation version and an advanced GUI operation version.Japanese fonts are not included. Japanese TMP font asset data is required (Reference: Let's create Japanese TMP_Font Asset)Website | How To Use