FreeClimb Add-on * THIS ADD-ON REQUIRED THE BASIC LOCOMOTION PRO TEMPLATE VERSION 2.6.0 OR HIGHER*FreeClimb Official Add-on Plug & PlayWith the FreeClimb system you can climb on any surface but it's more used for walls or cliffs.With this add-on you not only get the freeclimb but also the knowledge to create custom modular add-ons without changing the core of the controller.* Required Basic Locomotion 2.5.0 or higher, if you need a different version to work with the previous versions please contact support** MeleeCombat & Shooter already contain the Basic Locomotion***Animations are not included but there is a link to download the animations, you just need to import and hit play.
FreeClimbアドオン*このアドオンには、BASIC LOCOMOTION PROテンプレートバージョン2.5.0以降が必要です*
* Basic Locomotion 2.5.0以降が必要です。以前のバージョンで動作する別のバージョンが必要な場合は、サポートにお問い合わせください
** MeleeCombat&Shooterにはすでに基本的な移動が含まれています