The Ligh vfx Pack is designed to provide you with high-quality, customizable lightning vfx effects.Utilizing Unity's Shader Graph, along with Particle System integration and URP Post-Processing, this pack delivers realistic and visually striking lightning effects that can be easily integrated into your projects.Usage· Enter play mode and press “Mouse Left Click” to test next effect.· Prefabs Directory: Navigate to the Prefabs folder.· Drag-and-Drop: Select the desired lightning bolt prefab and drag it into your scene.· Positioning: Adjust the position and orientation of the lightning bolt effect in your scene as needed.Shader Graphs1. Particles_ADD_HDR Properties:2.Color_: Adjusts the color of the flash and hit effects.3.Texture2D: Controls the texture of the effects inside the shader.4.Toon Glow Shader Graph Properties:5.Color_: Controls the color of the spell or projectile from the shader side6.Texture2D: Defines the texture for the spell within the shader.7.Toon Lightning Shader Properties:8.Texture:Texture of of bolt9.Color:Texture color of light10.Speed:speed of light bolts11. Electric Shader Properties:12.Color: Controls the overall color of the electric effect, allowing you to customize its intensity.14.ElectricSpeed: Controls the movement speed of the electric effect in two dimensions (X and Y axis), allowing you to adjust how fast or slow the electric pulses or flows.15.ElectricScale: Controls the scale of the electric effect, enabling you to adjust the size and spread of the electricity.16.ElectricityThickness : Adjusts the thickness of the electric effect, allowing you to make the electricity strands thinner or thicker depending on the desired visual style.17.NoiseSpeed: Controls the speed of the noise used within the electric shader. This adds randomness and variation to the movement of the electricity, making it more dynamic.18.ElectricAmount: Controls the intensity or amount of electricity in the effect, letting you tweak how prominent or subtle the electric effect appears.19.Customization:Particle System1.Select Particle System: Choose the Particle system associated with the lightning effect.2. Customize Parameters: Adjust parameters like emission rate, lifetime, size, speed,texture, mesh and color to fine-tune the particle effects.Included Folders:3. Prefabs:Contains 5 prefabs of Lightning effects.4.Textures:Texture are used in this pack.5.Materials:15 Materials featuring different shaders with texture.6.Shaders:Includes 4 shaders for featuring different effects.7.Scripts:Scripts for showcasing the effects in the Demo Scene.Environment is free to useTechnical details:Only For UrpTexture size b/w: 1024x1024Texture shape: 2DAlpha source: input texture alphaTexture type: Defalut