Simple Robot low-poly stylized. Suitable for arcade, RPG and other third-person games in a cartoonish low-poly style. Used Unreal 5's Mannequin Skeletal Rig.The game model Simple Robot are made on the basis of an epic skeleton. Included 17 animations and 4 skins.Only Simple Robot character is included! Interior and other props and scene is only used in the screenshot and is not included!Polycount:Vert 4470Faces 4139Tris 8230If you have any problems with files or any questions, feel free to contact me - I am always ready to help.Materials: 4Blue White/RedBlue WornWhite/Red WornTextures 4096x4096:AlbedoMetallicRoughnessNormalEmissionSkeletal Rig Unreal 5 Mannequin :17 animations (see in the video preview)Idle_1idle_2Walking_1Walking_2CrouchingRuningFalling_loopedLandingJumpingFight_idleJabLeg_kickPick_upPush_buttonFall_backwardsDyingThrow