Package contains humanoid model Riot Police and gears shown in the 3d viewer. It is 3D models ONLY, No animation, No script, No template, No audio etc.
Here are what is included:
Riot Police character in T pose. check the sketchfab preview for model detail.
Other gears: Megaphone, Baton, Shield, TaserGun, GasLauncher.
4k textures set for standard Unity PBR workflow including: BaseColor, Normal_OpenGL, MetalSmooth, AmbientOcclusion
details about each model:
Riot Police: 39k triangles, 5 materials (Head, Visor, UpperBody, LowerBody, Accessories)
Megaphone: 4.6k triangles, 1 material (Megaphone)
TaserGun: 2k triangles, 1 shared material (Accessories)
GasLauncher: 12k triangles, 1 material (GasLauncher)
Shield: 2.7k triangles, 1 shared material (ShieldBaton)
Baton: 500 triangles, 1 shared material (ShieldBaton)