8Direction Animated Animals mega pack - Over 50 Top-Down pixel 2D Animals
SmallScale Interactive
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A massive pack of over 50 different animals, animated in 8 directions. Perfect for top-down games like turnbased, RTS, Zoo-games, RPGs etc.All Animals are Animated in 8 Directions!Spritesheets are included for all Animals. The sprites are 64x64 for smaller animals and up to 128x128 for larger animals.Each character have variations of the following animations in 8 directions:Basics:IdleDieTake damageWalkRunCombat:Attack1Attack2Attack3Attack4Others:TauntAnd more...The following Animals are included:AlpachaantilopeArabian horseBisonBoarBrown BearBrown HorseBullCamelCat BlackCat LargeCat OrangeCat WhiteChickenChimpCowCow brownCrocodileDeerDonkeyElephantElephant femaleELITE WolfGiraffeGolden RetrieverGrey WolfGrizzlyHayenaHippoHuskyJaguarJakLamaLionLionessMammothMonkeyOryxOstrichPigPinguinPolar BearRamRhinoRhino FemaleSheepShepherd DogStagTigerToirtoisTurtleWater buffaloWhite TigerWolfWork HorseZebraThe asset also includes a Example scene with a map, an example animator controller for each character and some ui Elements.The example scene is mainly meant for demonstration purposes and is not completly game ready. No sound is included.Each animation has 15 frames.The small portraits for each character in the example scene was generated by AI.