Rectangle World Tiles: A set of 247 square tiles to build diverse maps for strategy games, board games, and grid-based projects.Rectangle World Tiles is a asset pack containing 247 square map tiles, perfect for building detailed maps in turn-based strategy games, board games, or any project using a square grid system.Included Terrain Types:DesertDunesOasisForestJungleGroundGrasslandHillMountainCanyonLakeOceanIslandReefIcebergSnowfieldSwampWetlandVolcanoLava GroundEach tile is provided in transparent PNG format, ensuring they can be easily integrated into your project. The wide variety of terrains allows developers to build richly varied game worlds, from volcanic landscapes to serene lakes and snowy fields.Ideal for: Turn-based strategy games, board games, RPGs, and any project that utilizes a rectangle grid system.Image fomart: transparent PNG247 hexagonal tiles (256x384 pixel and 256x256 pixel)9 demo scenesUsing AI can quickly generate concept art, which was then refined using image editing software to achieve the final high-quality designs. This process ensures both efficiency and attention to detail, providing polished assets for your project.