8Direction Animated Dinosaurs pack - Top-Down pixel 2D Dinosaurs
SmallScale Interactive
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A massive pack of over 20 animated, top down pixelated 2D Dinosaurs! Fully animated in 8 directions with over 10 unique animations per dino!All Dinosaurs are Animated in 8 Directions!Spritesheets are included for all Dinosaurs. The sprites are 64x64 in size for regular and 96x96 for elites.Some dinosaurs have Elite versions, perfect for bosses, evos or harder enemies!Each character have variations of the following animations in 8 directions:Basics:IdleDieTake damageWalkRunCombat:Attack1Attack2Attack3Attack4Others:TauntAnd more...The following Dinosaurs are included:Blue RaptorCrocodileDilophosaurusGallimimusGreen RaptorParasaurolophusRed RaptorStegosaurusT-RexTriceratopsVelociraptorELITE Armored CrocodileELITE Armored ParasaurolophusELITE Armored StegosaurusELITE Armored T-RexELITE Armored TriceratopsELITE BrachiosaurusELITE GallimimusELITE StegosaurusELITE T-RexELITE TriceratopsThe asset also includes a Example scene with a map, an example animator controller for each character and some ui Elements.The example scene in the video is included, but is mainly meant for demonstration purposes and is not completly game ready. No sound is included.Each animation has 15 frames, but this can be reduced by combining individual sprites into new spritesheets with fewer sprites.Animation clip count: 2160+Sprite sheets: yesSprite dimensions: 64 x 64 (, 84x84, 96 x 96 and 128x128+ for larger animals)nr of sprites per animations: 15The small portraits for each character in the example scene was generated by AI.