3D Character of Mage Girl. Has humanoid rig. Has face (ARKit\Apple) and special blendshapes(elf ear and hair/hairbangs). Modular character. Has color options.MAGE GIRL ALIYAPOLYCOUNTSK_MAGEGIRLFACES 46974TRIS 93463VERTS 53376SK_MAGEGIRL2 (VERSION WITHOUT BANGS)FACES 45438TRIS 90391VERTS 51376SK_MAGEGIRLALLPARTSTOGETHERFACES 66146TRIS 131607VERTS 72711Unity project 2021.3.21f1ALL RENDER PIPELINES: BUILT-IN, URP, HDRP.Character is modular. Includes separated parts of body and full body without cuts, head, hair and clothes parts.Rigged with Epic Skeleton\Humanoid rig with additional bones. Does not have controls. Easy animations retarget. With additional bones you can apply physics. Physics are not included.Has face blendshaped (ARKit\Apple). Ear morphs (modifying shape into elf ear, 3 variations). Hair morphs (change hair/hairbangs length).PBR Metallic/Roughness Textures:BaseColor, Normal, ORM( Metallic, Roughness, AmbientOcclusion), Roughness, Metallic, Opacity/Alpha, MatID, Emissive, MetallicSmoothness, Gloss, Specular.Texture Resolutions:4K Textures: 4K Body, 4K Head, 4K Hair, 2K Eyes, 1K Eyelashes, 4K Clothes.IDMaps included for color change.NOTESNo LODNo BlueprintsNo AnimationsNo PhysicsCharacter compatibility listYou can email me dariichekh@gmail.com for any issues or inquiriesAdditional Bones list:eye_leye_rhairback_01_lhairback_02_lhairback_03_lhairback_04_lhairback_05_lhairfront_01hairfront_02hairfront_03hairfront_04hairfront_05hairback_01_rhairback_02_rhairback_03_rhairback_04_rhairback_05_rbreast_lbreast_rbagbelt_01bagbelt_02beltlong_01beltlong_02beltlong_03beltlong_04beltlong_05beltshort_01beltshort_02beltshort_03beltshort_04Number of textures: 90Number of Materials:27Texture dimensions:4K Textures: 4K Body, 4K Head, 4K Hair, 2K Eyes, 1K Eyelashes, 4K Clothes.Polygon count of Mage Girl AliyaSK_MAGEGIRLFACES 46974TRIS 93463VERTS 53376SK_MAGEGIRL2 (VERSION WITHOUT BANGS)FACES 45438TRIS 90391VERTS 51376SK_MAGEGIRLALLPARTSTOGETHERFACES 66146TRIS 131607VERTS 72711Number of meshes/prefabs 11Rigging: YesAnimation NoUV mapping: YesLOD information No LodsTypes of materials and texture maps PBRRender pipelines: Built-in, URP, HDRPUnity project 2021.3.21f1