Furry Bunny Girl is a versatile low-poly character model suitable for many types of games and VR platforms. Face with Blendshapes Meta XR Audio for VRchat & 52 Apple AR KitAny Humanoid Animations from the store can be applied to this character.Face with Blendshapes Meta XR Audio for VRchat (but requires customization for specific projects) & 52 Apple AR Kit6 materials22 textures 4096x4096Vertices 32,769Triangles 55,580Animation count 33HDRP / URP - NoNumber of textures 22Texture dimensions 4096x4096Polygon count of Fox girl 55, 580Number of meshes/prefabs 1/4Rigging: YesAnimation count 33UV mapping: YesTypes of materials and texture maps Unity standart materials 5, normal, metallic, albeda, AO, (PBR Textures Metal/Roughness)