Stylized Dissolve Effects: Vol.1
Karma Labs
Date |
Price |
日時 |
価格($) |
10/14(2024) |
5.49 |
11/01(2024) |
5.49 |
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Karma Labs
(no ratings)
Date |
Price |
日時 |
価格($) |
10/14(2024) |
5.49 |
11/01(2024) |
5.49 |
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Dissolve effects to any of your characters and models!You can apply three different customizable dissolve effects to any of your characters or models.Compatible with PBR materials, featuring options such as Noise Scale, Strength, Amount, Width, and Color.It was made in a 3D URP project and has only been tested in 3D URP.List of VFXs included:VFX Graph ParticleDissolve 01Dissolve 02Dissolve 03Texture sizes:Model Textures (Albedo, Normal, Metallic, Occlusion, Rougness) 2048x2048px .tga Custom shaders:Includes custom shaders made to fit those VFX needs!Disclaimer: The pack works in a on a 3D universal render pipeline, but NOT Tested with the 2D render pipeline features, neither for SRP, or HDRP. That means the 2D Core, 2D Mobile, templates and such won't work. If your project is 3D universal render pipeline-based, but in a 2D setting, such as using an Perspective Camera, it will work.
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