The MCCustomizer for (Modular Character Customizer) is a collection of scripts designed to help you set up a very basic character creation GUI for your project.HDRP materials appear to work with MCCustomizer, I still need to do more testing and get feedback before I will feel comfortable ticking the box for HDRP support.Currently in beta as a new release, the MCCustomizer is designed to help you make a working character creation screen using modular characters. As such, a modular character asset pack is required to make use of all MCCustomizer features. This asset has been tested with Blink, Dungeon Mason, and Synty Studios modular characters.Note that, while not required for the asset to work, Synty Studios Modular Fantasy Heros is required to test the demo scenes without setting up your own character first. The Synty Studios character and environment art seen in the screenshots and video are not included with this asset.Further note that the tutorial video provided is currently out of date. I will be updating it soon.The most up to date documentation can be found here.Playable character creation demo available here.Several scriptsTwo scenesDocumentationEasy to useDiscord support hereSynty Studios Polygon Fantasy Heros Required for demo scenesAI scripting support was used in the early stages of the development for initial code creation, keeping my head straight, to help with commenting, and in the creation of the documentation.