Procedural science fiction material pack
Every sci-fi material can be quickly customized. For example, the colors or aging settings of the material can be changed.Procedural science fiction material pack5 main sci-fi ingredientsIt can be customized thanks to its procedural structure.Thanks to their procedural structure, these materials allow customizable settings such as color, metal and wear.Every sci-fi material can be quickly customized. For example, the colors or aging settings of the material can be changed.New fiction material can be produced by using 5 main materials and changing different colors and metal wear settings.You can contact me to get help or make suggestions about the product.Procedural science fiction material pack5 science fiction materialHigh qualitychangeable material colorsMetal wear settings5 main materials27 textures4096x4096 .tga texture resolutionBase color, normal map, AO Map, Metallic Map, Roughness map, Height Map, and emissive map for light ones