Low-poly model of the character VIKING_R_5 Suitable for games of different genres RPG, strategy, shooter etc.additional bonesjaw_01-02tong_01-02eye_r/lweapon_l/rhair_side_01-5_l/rhair_back_01-05cloak_01-06_l/rcloak_01-06boob_l/rskirt_side_01-03_l/rskirt_front_01-04skirt_back_01-04skirt_back_01-04_l/rHigh Quality PBR textures TARGA 4k. 4 UV- body- hair- outfit- weaponBase colorRougnessNormalAlpha_eyelashes and (alpha body+eyelashes)MetalicAOspecularAlbedo + Alpha (for hair)super optimized character in balance between quality and polygon economy.The finished character with an two ax has only 18738 quad polygonslow_poly character polygon 18294 Verts 22616 tris - 36295ax polygon - 222 verts - 223 tris - 426Number of textures 18Texture dimensions 4kPolygon count of VIKING_R_5 18294Number of meshes/prefabs 12Rigging: YesAnimation count 12Animation type listattack_1attack_2atack_3 (jump atack)runwalkidleatack_idledeathimpactjumpkickbattle_yellUV mapping: YesTypes of materials and texture maps (PBR)