Low-poly model of the character VIKING_R_6 suitable for games of different genres RPG, Strategy, Shooter etc.video ueadditional_bonesjawtongue_01-02eye_r/lsword_l/rshould_shield_01-03_l/rHigh Quality PBR textures TARGA 4k. 4 UV- body- outfit- weapon- hairBase colorRougnessNormalMetalicAOspecularAlbedo + Alpha (for hair)character polygon - 14639 Verts 19986 tris - 29127ax polygon - 177 verts - 182 tris - 344Number of textures 18Texture dimensions 4k Polygon count of VIKING_R_6 14639Number of meshes/prefabs 12Rigging: YesAnimation count 10Animation type listattack_1attack_2attack_3 (jump atack)runwalkidleattack_idledeathimpactjumpUV mapping: YesTypes of materials and texture maps (PBR)