additional riggjawtongue_01-02eye_r/lweap_l/rbag_rmilitary_flask_01-03flaskcase_01-02back_bagrifle_01-04rifle_bayonet1rifle_ramrodrifle_descendertriggerThe character has 3 sets of PBR textures- uniform- skull- riflesize options 2k and 4kBase colorRougnessNormalMetalicAOlow_poly character polygon 8780 Verts 9172 tris - 16969rifle polygon - 1014 verts - 987 tris - 1895Number of textures 15Texture dimensions 2k-4kPolygon count of SKELETON SOLDIER 8780Number of meshes/prefabs 10Rigging: YesAnimation count 12Animation type listattackidle_attackstart_fireidle_shotshotrechargerunwalkidledeathimpactjumpUV mapping: YesTypes of materials and texture maps (PBR)