Deterministic Dice System
Gabe's software
Date |
Price |
日時 |
価格($) |
10/08(2024) |
43.99 |
10/08(2024) |
21.99 |
10/22(2024) |
43.99 |
11/01(2024) |
43.99 |
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Gabe's software
(no ratings)
Date |
Price |
日時 |
価格($) |
10/08(2024) |
43.99 |
10/08(2024) |
21.99 |
10/22(2024) |
43.99 |
11/01(2024) |
43.99 |
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With this asset, random chance is no more!
Tweak your throws, alter your results, design your player experience when throwing dice.
Throw any number of dice and decide their outcomes!Whether you need to refine your board game, create the newest roguelike hit, remove cheating from your game, this deterministic dice system has you covered.Setup and throw any number of dice. The system comes with the following presets:D4D6D8D10D12D20But you can add any dice or any shape, the system is built with flexibility in mind!The system is plug and play, just add the DiceManager prefab into the scene and you are ready to go.You can setup dice configurations in the editor or via code, and your throws can be completely random or pre-determined per dice, it's all up to you!Have a look at the Documentation and check the features for yourself!Setup and throw any number and any type of dice.Configure simulation and playback speed for the throw.Have any number of DiceManagers and have multiple independent throws.Hook into the events and get your results immediately or after the animation is complete.Setup new dice or use the given presets.
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