UIMvmt Motion Broken Kalimba SFX Pack
Date |
Price |
日時 |
価格($) |
10/08(2024) |
16.49 |
11/06(2024) |
16.49 |
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Date |
Price |
日時 |
価格($) |
10/08(2024) |
16.49 |
11/06(2024) |
16.49 |
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Dive into our fascinating, resonant tones of a carefully detuned Kalimba.Introducing our brand new SFX pack: "User Interface Motion"_Broken Kalimba.Dive into our fascinating, resonant tones of a carefully detuned Kalimba.Every note we design carries a melancholic beauty and creates a captivating experience for your UI elements.Recorded with precision using a Zoom H6 recorder and Rhode NTG2 microphone at 96 kHz / 24 Bit,"User Interface Motion_Broken Kalimba” offers perfect sound quality ideal for any project.Imagine that the notable beautiful vibration and resonation of this extraordinary instrument. We wil create the future with love and imagination.Number of Audio Waves: 298Number of Audio Cues: 298Sample rate / bit rate: 48 kHz / 24 BitDo Sound FX loop: YesMinutes of audio provided: 00:15:06Supported Development Platforms:Windows: YesMac: Yes
▼ Humble Bundle
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