A futuristic collection of Sci-Fi themed UI Sound Effects. Suitable for Games, Mobile Apps, or any project that needs a futuristic flare.Building off our first pack, UI Sounds Volume 1, I'm proud to introduce you to the next pack in the UI Sounds Series:UI Sounds Volume 2 - produced and designed by Defy Tracks.Volume 2 builds on Volume 1 and provides a more focused collection of UI Interface Sound Effects specifically designed for Sci-Fi themed projects.Not only is this pack a more focused and use-specific collection, it also provides a much larger volume of sounds, totaling in at 235 sounds!Included in this pack:31 Click SFX60 Blip SFX17 Hover SFX11 Power Up/Down SFX54 Processing SFX13 Error SFX10 Reverse SFX10 Transition SFX21 Selection SFX8 Unlocked SFX(Full contents PDF available here)For more info and the highest quality audio preview, be sure to check out the official sound effects page on my website at defytracks.com/sounds.All audio files are exported in a high quality normalized 24-bit 48kHZ .WAV file format.