Flexible Blur is the most complete blur solution for URP UGUI.
Made to be immediately and painlessly usable, but also giving you the power to tailor different approaches to fit your use case.Do you need a URP UGUI blur solutiuon that is performant, high fidelity, flexible, and hassle-free?When I found myself in this position, the only solutions I could find were able to satisfy, at most, perhaps two of the above requirements to a satisfactory level.And so Flexible Blur was born!Flexible Blur does not constrain you to any one way of doing things.Other solutions either:1️⃣ Limit you to a single, fullscreen blur per camera that needs be shared across all the elements of a canvas. This limitation isn't always a bad tradeoff, but it's a trade-off that you are forced to make and work around. It can be performant when overhead can be shared between many elements. But there are serious downsides. Besides significant artistic constraints, any time you only have a few elements covering a small area, you end up doing far more work than necessary. Or,2️⃣ Handle each blurred element individually. The trade-offs are the opposite of 1️⃣. You gain artistic flexibility and better performance when only need to blur a small region across few elements. But then when you have dozens of elements that require blur, all the overhead and drawcalls can be crippling even on higher end hardware.Enter Flexible Blur.•By default, Flexible Blur works on individual elements. But it also gives you the ability to mark compatible elements as "batchable," so they share overhead. You have the best of both worlds. Batching is oppurtunistic and dynamic, so you still have the artistic flexibility to vary blurs individually.•While other solutions that work in the manner described in 1️⃣ sometimes provide the option to only calculate blur for some rectangular portion of the screen (for example, if blurred elements will only show up on the lower portion of the screen), even when Flexible Blur acts similarily it automatically finds the smallest area needed to cover batched elements.•A main goal of Flexible Blur is to aggressively reduce performance impact whenever possible. Flexible Blur looks for situations where it doesn't need to work (eg. blurs are all offscreen or inactive) and early outs. Reducing overhead is especially useful in contexts where you would otherwise suffer compounding overhead (for example, a multi-camera setup with layers of stacked blur).•With Flexible Blur, you don't need to adapt your UI around the limitations of a blur solution. The blur solution will adapt to fit your UI.•You have the option to use compute shaders. The compute shader path is appreciably faster on most hardware than traditional shaders, and can drastically reduce draw calls when you need multiple distinct blurs. (There is still some overhead, so while compute shaders reduce the use cases for batching, they don't eliminate it all together). As of this writing, Flexible Blur is the only asset of its kind that is able to leverage the performance benefits of compute shaders.•You are able to create presets that react to the current quality level. This is a hugely important feature that I haven't seen in other solutions. Blur is generally not the cheapest effect, and there can be a large performance difference between "good enough" blur and "beautiful, high fidelity" blur. Given large disparities between hardware configurations, if you lack the ability to be responsive to quality level you either need to sacrifice fidelity on the altar of low end hardware, or low end performance on the altar of fidelity.•Choice between UIBlur and UIBlurImage components. UIBlur is lightweight and writes directly to camera output, but has fewer features. UIBlurImage reproduces all the features of standard Image components.•Support for stacked blur (blurs that blur other blurs), both as a part of a multi-camera, multi-canvas setup, but also for blurs that share the same camera and canvas (with limitations).•Simpler setup than the popular alternatives. You do not need to add components to your Cameras, and you do not need to create materials for blurs. Applicable cameras only need the Flexible Blur Feature added to their Renderer.•Supports dithering, to reduce banding on large blurs. Another important feature that I believe is unique to Flexible Blur.•Unity 6 RenderGraph support.•Source code provided.CAVEATSDoes not support built-in or HDRP render pipelines.VR support is still in development and has not been extensively tested. Currently only supports multi-pass.As opposed to other assets, will not make the claim that Flexible Blur is "the fastest UI blur solution on the asset store." It certainly is the fastest solution for a large number of scenarios, but it's not going to be fastest in every situation.Flexible Blur provides a superset of the functionality of other solutions, which means that the subset of features that corresponds to a competitor may be less optimized, and that's the cost of flexibility. This isn't to say that Flexible Blur will necessarily be slower when limited to the best case scenario of some other asset (especially if that other asset does not use compute shaders), but rather that everything else being equal, if I were to write a solution with more limited functionality, I would expect that to excel inside its niche relative to a solution that enjoys a wider scope.What Flexible Blur uniquely provides is the tools you need to agressively optimize for just about every situation. You should be able to target just about any sort of device. The fine grained control over blur properties generally makes it easier to balance performance and fidelity.Most flexible UI blur solution on the asset store.Unity 6 RenderGraph support.Being built specifically for URP means a more tailored and elegant solution. There is a Renderer Feature, blur components, and that's it. Scenes are straightforward to set up. No component needs to be added to cameras.Choice between compute and fragment shader paths.Compute performs best on most hardware, fragment has the best compatibility.Blurs can be set up individually, or with shared presets.Presets can respond to quality settings.Very fine grained control over quality versus performance.One reason I deciced to create Flexible Blur was that other solutions had a tendency to sacrifice quality on the altar of performance (or vice-versa) and were not able to be configured outside of a certain range in quality.Supports resolution independant blur (the strength of blurs in other assets may shrink as applicaiton resolution increases)Supports dithering to eliminate banding on very strong blurs.Supports stacked blur via multiple camerasAlso supports limited blur stacking with a single camera, where blurs can see one another, but not other UI elements on the same canvas.Choice of two different blur components: UIBlur is lightweight but limited, while UIBlurImage leverages the existing features of UGUI Image components.Able to setup platform-specific texture formats and shader path.Supports world space, screen space, and overlay canvases.Practically performance cost when no blurs are active.As opposed to other assets that apply blur to every pixel on that a camera can see, Flexible Blur only blurs the pixels that are needed.Unlike certain competitors, you are not constrained to a single blur source per camera. There is no requirement that all blurs share the settings.By extension, blurs can fade in and out naturally instead of relying on alpha blending.There's is a trade-off between the total number of sampled pixels and the overhead each blur incurs (but lower overhead per blur with the compute path).But with Flexible Blur, you decide which tradeoffs are needed.UIBlurImages can be marked as batchable, where applicable blurs will automatically share a source.These batches blurs behave similarly to the way some competitors work by default, with similar limitations.Even with batched blurs we still avoid blurring every pixel, and just blur the minimum area required to contain the batched elements. But batched blurs can be set to blur the whole screen to capture edge cases.AI Image generation was used to create the background images in demo scenes.