Allow players to select and interact with world-objects by just loosely looking at themInteracta does not rely on any specific render pipeline setup. However, the sample Showcase Demo Scene uses the Built-in Rendering Pipeline.Take your game interaction system to the next level with screen-center proximity interaction. This allows players to select objects by loosely looking at them (as opposed to having to align them dead-center in the camera view), making your games much more accessible and intuitive.LinksDocumentation | Playable Demo | Bug ReportsFeatures:No need for FPS reticles, no more RayCasts.Gone are the days of trying to align a dot in the middle of the screen to an object you want to interact with. This package queries objects in front of the player and finds the one closest to screen center.Easy to IntegrateNo matter what player code you use, Interacta is ready to be used within minutes. Defining interactables is as easy as implementing our IInteractable interface.Phones, PCs, Consoles...Whether its a physical joystick, onscreen controls or a mouse, Interacta makes selecting objects easier and more intuitive.Ready for any models or setupsWorking with drawers which are clipping into models or doors with handles? No problem, Interacta provides tools to override occlusion/reticle positions. This way you can make sure popups appear exactly where you want and models wont be accidentally taken as occluded by others.Battle TestedThis asset was already used in a variety of projects with over 500K installs.This package casts a sphere (as opposed to a raycast) to probe for all interactable objects the player is looking at, then it selects the one closest to the center of the screen.Only objects on a specific layer are queried.Occlusion by other objects is taken into account (behind walls, objects etc.). Query positions can be overriden by implementing IPositionOverrideInteracta is provided as a generic abstract class (InteractaCore) and IInteractBase. This allows it to be quickly integrated into any codebase.