This package implements a new handle which can be activated from Unity's Tools toolbar.📧 Support e-mail: octamodius@yahoo.com | DocsExtrude Handle extends the Unity Editor by adding a new tool/handle which can be activated from the Unity's Tools toolbar in the scene view.This handle can be used to 'extrude' the object selection allowing you to quickly lay down floors and walls and similar structures. Ideal for creating tile based worlds, but it works with other types of objects too. The plugin is automatically initialized when importing the package in your project, so no additional initialization steps are needed.The handle can be activated by pressing the [U] key. This works just like any other handle (i.e. position, rotation, scale etc). It also takes the current pivot rotation into account: Local and Global.To use, simply drag the handle's widgets (cones/ticks) and release the mouse. Nice and easy! Works with 3D objects and sprites.A slightly modified version of this plugin is included in GSpawn - Level Designer, a robust feature-rich level designer plugin.You can also change the padding which controls the distance between successive objects.The following assets were used in the doc and in images/screenshots:Voxel Blocks Pack by TsunoaMultistory Dungeons by Mana StationEnjoy!📧 Support e-mail: octamodius@yahoo.com | Docs