160+ MAYA and AZTEC PIXEL ART background environmentsSet of 160+ cartoon style MAYA and ATEC PIXEL ART 2D background environments.High quality images.Best for Visual Novels, Character Backgrounds, Themed Backgrounds, Storytelling, Store Listing, Location Highlighting, Board Games, RPG Games, Adventure Games, Main Theme, Loading Page, Dialogue Page, TCG, UI, etc.FEEL FREE TO USE IT ANY WAY YOU LIKE.Features:163 unique itemsMaya and Aztec pixel art backgroundsHigh qualityDifferent colorsDifferent weatherDifferent locationsDifferent lightingDifferent anglesDifferent viewsDifferent elementsDifferent stylizationsResolution: 1920x1080 pixThese images were created with the help of Midjourney AI, then edited using Leonardo AI, then hand edited in Photoshop.As a paid member I own all the assets I created with the help of the AI. Plus, the images were carefully edited. My products are unique, so you can use them where you want without any worries.