Big-Size Modular Spaceship Freight with navigable interiors.
Fully customizzable with modular assets for interiors.
Ideal for scifi survival and space themed games.This Package use URP render pipeline using Forward+ render and render layers,put the L3DURP and L3DGlobal setting files under Project setting Quality, Graphics and Global urp settings first of all.Its also need the new Input system.External and internal parts are separated mesh for optimization purpose (activate/deactivate mesh when needed), decals mesh are separated from base mesh for easy modify.Use of minimal number of texture with lots of custom shaders and re-usability in mind.Animated mesh for landing gear , doors and external doors plus code animatated elevators and doors with example scripts.The demo Scene contain example for modify materials and ship model runtime with scriptableObjects, Demo script for manage the ship modules and rooms with view management for inside parts and interaction system for doors, switch ecc.Plus the project contain simple Controllers for Player , Spaceship and cameras.You can see the demo in action here :Part 1 External editor Part 2 FPS inside shiptMeshes :15 animated fbx for doors and landing gear26 fbx files for external mesh and decalsInteriors kit :12 modular fbx for Hangar Catwalks21 modular fbx for Corridors part6 fbx for Main Elevator7 fbx for Landing Pad7 fbx for Command deck10 modular fbx kit for Hangars31 modular fbx for Rooms walls,ceiling and floors12 fbx for various ship props55 modual kit meshes for Bath, kitchen, living room, Seats and containers propsExternal mesh togheter are around 202k trianglesA single model module exterior its around 15k trianglesInternal mesh togheter are around 244k trianglesA single mesh can vary from less than 100 triangles to 10k trianglesSome mesh are skinned like landing gear and doorsTextures and Materials :Every Texture set contain :1 Base color texture 2048x2048 with alpha in some case like decals1 Normaml map texture 2028x2048some Set can contain:1 custom rbg mask 2048x20481 custom MRA mask (metallic, roughness, ambient occlusion) 2048x20481 heightmap texture 2048x20483 Decals texture set for detail, info e text with custom urp shader (with hdrp support)7 Art decal artwork for the ship1 Texture set for Corridors and rooms with Vertexcolor color variance1 Texture set for The Engine with Glow1 Texture set for The Hangar with Vertexcolor color variance1 Texture set for External and Internal Panels with dirt support and Vertexcolor color variance1 Texture set for External and Internal Trims with dirt support and Vertexcolor color variance2 Texture set for Shared props12 shadergraph custom shaders for optimized texture mask and vertex colorExample Scripts and Prefabs :Prefabs for every kit mesh with collisions and tags for lightiningprefabs example for ready to use rooms10 Ship Module Prefabs with custom script for visibility and ship building Runtime exampleSimple controllers for Spaceship, player movement and Camera for testingSimple Interaction system for doors, swich , and controlsLots of script example to use as starting point for building your spaceship game