A simple can of spray paint.Includes:One model of a spray canOne prefab with the spray can colored and with a matching particle effect.Multiple materials for changing the color of the can (other materials can be used as well.The model is modularized so each component can be customized with your own materials.Check my discord for support.Details:Triangles: 542Includes one texture for the nozzle that is 1024x1024Includes multiple materials for the different colors shown in the demoURP Compatibility:In order to get the materials to work properly with URP make sure that the Universal RP package is installed.In Unity navigate to Window > Rendering > Render Pipeline Converter.Select "Build-in to URP" in the dropdown in the window that pops up.Check the box next to "Material Upgrade".Click "Initialize and Convert" at the bottom right.HDRP Compatibilty:In order to get the materials to work properly with HDRP make sure that the Hight Definition RP package is installed.In Unity, navigate to Edit > Rendering > Materials > Convert all Built-in Materials to HDRP.