An all-in-one solution to optimize your Unity project assets for mobile platforms with ease.This plugin has been tested with URP and should support built-in as well as HDRP.Lazy Mobile Optimizer is a Unity Editor plugin designed to streamline the process of optimizing assets for mobile platforms. It provides a user-friendly interface to adjust textures, meshes, audio files, and shaders, ensuring your game runs smoothly on mobile devices.Dislcaimer: Please backup your assets before running the tool. I have added a revert feature now in 1.0.1. Still, a version control system goes a long way in avoiding unknown headaches. Texture Optimization: Compress and resize textures for mobile platforms.Mesh Optimization: Adjust mesh import settings for better performance.Audio Optimization: Compress audio files to reduce size and improve load times.Shader Optimization: Replace complex shaders with mobile-friendly alternatives based on the active render pipeline.Asset Analysis and Preview: Analyze assets and preview expected optimization results before applying changes.Selective Optimization: Choose which assets to include or exclude from optimization.Backup & Revert Feature: Now you can revert any optimizations from the summary tab after running the tool.The plugin was developed with the assistance of AI models to proofread and optimize the code and bugfix any available errors.