A variety of combat animations, idles, movement and emotes for a thug, raider, clown-themed supervillain, or other baseball bat-wielding troublemaker with attitude.Include 8-directional walk and run, sprint, jumps, various idles, taunts, and emotes, attacks, staggers, deaths, fighting game style intros, and more.These animation have been stylized to use a baseball bat but would also work for a hammer, mace, or other blunt weapon.Need more female character animations? Check out our Battle Witch, Witch Hag, Fairy, Classic Female Ghost, Creepy Doll, Old Lady, Lounge Singer, and Female Animation Starter Pack.Need a male clown? Check out our Creepy Clown!Total Animations: 85Attack 9Death 2Idle 35Jump 2Move 21Special intro 4Stagger 4Turn 6Misc 2