Traditional Fantasy SD Characters⚠️ This asset was created with Spine software. To use it, simply install the Spine runtime, and it will be ready to go. Note that this asset requires the spine-unity unitypackage (version 4.2 or higher).(spine-unity)⚠️ Spine source files are not included in this version. (Included version)The full purchase price will be applied as a discount towards the Spine source version upgrade.🎮 Check out the assets. (Demo)📌 List of contents6 hair styles (12 colors)2 head types (6 colors)30 outfits (warrior, knight, rogue)60 one-handed weapon (swords, spears, daggers)40 two-handed weapon (swords, spears)30 shields (small, large)27 animations🎯 Road MapsWarrior & Swords ✔Knight & Spears ✔Rogue & Daggers ✔Archer & Bow (next updates)Wizard & StaffCleric & Mace📢 Prices may increase with future updates.Utilized for image creation