NeuralNetPro is a machine learning package that built using neural networks, it's supports supervised and reinforcement learning and also supports multithreading, unity jobs, and compute shaders.A neural network is a computational model inspired by the structure and function of the human brain.NeuralNet Pro uses neural networks as the base foundation and applies advanced implementation to it. the package is built-in c# without any additional dependency, so you can start right away without additional setup.This package is built-in c# without any additional dependency, so you can start right away without additional setup and are free to modify to your will inside Unity. Even if built in c#, it uses a lot of Memory Copy to optimize the performance for Faster Execution and Training.Key FeatureTrain in Runtime or Build(Real Device).No need for additional package installation.NeuralMemory/Model cross-usage for different algorithms.Support Main Thread, Multithread, Jobs, and Compute Shader (GPU).Supervised and Reinforcement Learning available.Deep RL Supports multiple agents.High Performance.Support Asynchronous Execution.Fully documentedFor more information on this packageVisit DocumentationContact Support (included in the documentation)