A customizable Head IK controller that allows NPCs to look at any target with adjustable angles, proximity-based control, and smooth transitions. Perfect for adding realism to NPC behavior.The example scene in this asset uses TextMeshPro, Unity's Robot Kyle, and Unity's Idle animation from the 3rd person character controller.This is a flexible and easy to use script for animating NPCs to look at various targets in your game world! Perfect for first and third person games, any RPG, shooter, or adventure game with characters would benefit from this script! It has a lot of customization options to fit your needs. You can adjust the up-and-down angle with the offset parameter, control how far the NPC’s head can turn with allowableAngle, and manage target tracking based on proximity or manual control. Control how fluid the head turning is with the lookTime variable.Full IK Head Control: Allows NPCs to track targets dynamically.Customizable Angle and Offset: Adjust up-down and left-right turning ranges for head movement.Proximity-based or Manual Control: Set head tracking based on trigger colliders or call methods directly.Smooth Transitions: Control the speed of head turning with adjustable lookTime.Target Flexibility: Change the target NPCs look at on the fly with LookAtTarget(GameObject target).Compatibility: Works with any humanoid NPC with an Animator and a rigged skeleton.AI helped me with the first draft of the Instruction PDF and with the first draft of the store page.