Revolve and avoid the blades to change the FALL to SPRING🎮 Circle Dash - Casual Game Pack 🎮Revolve endlessly while dodging obstacles and aiming for the highest score! Watch as the barren landscape transforms into a lush green paradise as you progress.🚨 Dependencies:Requires the Unity UI/TextMeshPro package. Easily install via the Unity Package Manager.📂 Project Highlights:🎨 Art Assets: 3 customizable materials, 23 animations, and 29 PNG UI sprites.🧩 Prefabs: 17 prefabs, ready to integrate into your game.🌍 Scenes: Main gameplay scene.🗂 Scriptable Objects: Save high score data seamlessly.💻 Scripts: 20 well-organized, clean scripts for a smooth gaming experience.🎨 Customization:Modify existing assets or add your own to create unique levels and gameplay experiences!📧 Support:Have questions? Reach us at folder is subdivided into three folders.A. AnimationThis folder contains all UI animations, including transitions between menus and buttons together with spike and blade animations.B. MaterialsContains 3 materials used in the game, which can be customized with different colours or sprites.C. Sprites:Contains 29 unique UI sprites and textures (PNG) from 1513 x 1860 to 248 x 2482. PrefabsThe Prefabs folder includes three main categories:- Gameplay: 11 prefabs of different objects in gameplay- Particles: 2 unique particle effects with different materials.- UI: 4 Prefabs of the game menus. If adding new menus, update UIBase.cs accordingly.4. Scenes- MainScene: The main scene of the gameplay5. Scriptable Objects- Data Storage: Main storage of game data6. ScriptsScripts are categorized into four folders, with clear names and functions to ensure easy understanding.